The minimum age for buying tobacco rose today from 16 to 18. I wonder how many MPs who voted for this also want to reduce the minimum voting age from 18 to 16.
Anthony Tuffin FCIS, FPMI is a retired pensions consultant. He was Chairman for two years of the Society of Pensions Consultants' Legislation Committee. He is happily married and has homes on the south coast and in Staffordshire. By his late wife, he has a married daughter, three granddaughters and a grandson also in Staffordshire. By his present wife, he has two step-daughters and three step-granddaughters
He is a former Hon. Treasurer of the Electoral Reform Society. He is Editor of STV Action and Chairman of Make Votes Count In West Sussex. He is also a member of the Institute of Advanced Motorists, having passed the advanced driving test in 1989.
Janus was a Roman god with two heads, who looked back at the past and forward to the future; hence January the month that looks back to the old year and forward to the new. I chose it as the name of this site because my first blog on 30 October 2006 looked back to the Suez and Hungarian crises of 50 years previously and forward to what I would like to be a more peaceful future.
My blogs will probably be mainly political, but non-party. Some will almost certainly refer to the need for a fairer and more efficient voting system and I may sometimes comment on road safety or, indeed, anything else on which I feel like commenting.